What is Information Technology?


The use of computers, storage, networking, and other physical devices, infrastructure, and procedures to create, process, store, secure, and exchange all forms of electronic data is known as information technology (IT). 

IT is typically utilized in the context of business operations, On contrary to personal or entertainment-related technology. 

Both telecommunications and computer technology are included in the commercial use of IT.

Although computers and computer networks are frequently used interchangeably, the term also refers to other information distribution technologies like television and telephones. Information technology is connected to a number of economic goods and services, such as computer software, electronics, semiconductors, the internet, telecom equipment, and e-commerce.

There are four distinct phases of IT development that can be distinguished based on the storage and processing technologies used: mechanical (1450–1840), electromechanical (1840–1940), and electronic (from 1940 to the present).

In addition, information technology is a subfield of Computer Science, which can be described as the comprehensive study of data processing, structure, and procedure. The overall priority and significance of this field have also increased as it continues to evolve globally.

In order to know what is information technology, we need to know the history of Information technology.

History of Computer Technology/Information Technology:

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University, where they had discussed and begun thinking of computer circuits and numerical calculations, were the first institutions to introduce the concepts of computer science prior to the 1950s. As time went on, the field of Data Innovation and Software Engineering turned out to be more complicated and had the option to deal with the handling of additional information. Different organizations began publishing academic articles.

In terms of early computing, Alan Turing, J. Presper Eckert, and John Mauchly were regarded as some of the major computer technology pioneers in the middle of the nineteenth century. The majority of their efforts were devoted to creating the first Digital Computer, despite the fact that they receive such praise for their achievements. In addition, as Turing began to question the technology of the time, topics like Artificial Intelligence began to be discussed.

Since the beginning, probably in the form of a Tally Stick, devices have been utilized to aid in computation for thousands of years. The Antikythera mechanism is generally regarded as the earliest known mechanical Analog Computer and geared mechanism. It was made around the beginning of the first century BC. Comparable geared devices didn't come to Europe until the 16th century, and the first Mechanical Calculator that could do the four basic arithmetic operations didn't come out until 1645.

Tally Stick

Antikythera mechanism
Analog Computer
Mechanical Calculator

The term information technology first appeared in 1984 and then International Standard Organisation (ISO) begin to mention this term publicly in 1990.

By the turn of the century, people were able to use a variety of online services, so technological advancements had already changed the world. Thirty percent of workers in the United States were already working in this field, so this has had a significant impact on the workforce.51 million households were connected to the Internet, or 136.9 million individuals personally. In addition to the Internet, new technologies were introduced all over the world, enhancing productivity and simplifying daily life.

The development of technology, which is also changing society, has made it possible to complete millions of tasks in just seconds. The introduction of the email was an important event because companies could communicate by e-mail with suppliers and buyers in other parts of the world.

Personal computers(PCs) and technology have transformed the marketing industry as well, increasing product sales. In 2002, Americans purchased more than $28 billion worth of goods via the Internet alone, and a decade later, e-commerce generated $289 billion in sales. In addition, as people become more reliant on computers in the twenty-first century, their use is increasing at a rate that is accelerating with each passing day of information.

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